Thursday, December 11, 2008

Watch Your Step; or All About Me; Gatemouth Brown, Ted Hawkins, and uh, Me

I'm pondering pensively, I'm considering meditatively, I'm thinkin' 'bout thankin' 'bout . . . about. . . about maybe possibly kinda considering doing something, a sketchy but sketched-in work-in-progress, a la the ongoing Ian Dury thing below here somewhere down there, about either:
A. Clarence "Gatemouth" Brown
B. Ted Hawkins.
but not, definitely
C: Both of 'em
though maybe
D: Pops Staples (and a smidge of Mavis and Yvonne and Cleotha and Purvis...)

I'm thinking about this in my artistically ruthless way (damn, Ruth isn't even answering the phone), which means that I'm waiting for clarity to arrive. Or serendipity. Or synchronicity. Or spontaneous combustion. Any one will do, and they always show up as long as I stand clear. So let's see what happens next.

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